Know ways to be self-centered with a man having relationships

1. leprosy.

Most men do not like homosexuality. He does not like a woman who is constantly introducing a tragic incident that produces strife. Most men do not like arguments. They do not like the argument when a woman becomes brave to get rid of it, she is ignored.

Well, then, a woman is making a statement. He was not an archery who has no head or foot. Do not have to worry. Let her mouth be filled with sweet words, which will comfort her lover, which will comfort her and will make her want to talk to her.Often when a man sees a wife or a girlfriend is a person of homosexuality, she often avoids him. She is struggling with her ability to stay away from her. He will find it best to be back home and meet friends, keep story so that you can go home and do not have time to talk to his partner, he is eating and sleeping.
                                                            2. dissatisfaction.
Most men hate to have dissatisfied women. Some women even give them what they do not get. They bother their lovers that they do not meet the needs. A man gives himself a gift to his girlfriend, just does not care.He starts to criticize. He says it's not like him, it's not his status. Given money he says is not enough. Everyday is a complaint. Do not miss her favorite partner to enjoy their relationship. He makes every one meet him and helps him to be beaten.Unfortunately now all that will be given will be dissatisfied. He craves too much. Many men today hate the same behavior. They do not like to have a woman who is dissatisfied with what she has been given. Many men find it so they begin to avoid the 'sample' woman.There was no good. Rather than advising her boyfriend how to get rid of the economy she is just blame. Every day he complains that some men give their loved ones the necessary necessities but to him you do not fulfill.When a man sees everything he or she does for a boyfriend or wife, he is not satisfied, so thanks is not easy to reduce his or her love for his or her mate. Procedures begin to give up and even transfer romance to someone else who will be satisfied with the little given. It is important to be satisfied.

                                                                   3. comparisons.This is also a tendency to be unloved by many men. Men love to live their lives. They like to be respected by their loved ones. They like to hear a woman say; 'No other man is like you.'The man likes to be assured that there is no other man like him. She is better or better than other men so when a woman begins to show behaviors to interrupt her with another man it becomes a big problem.The man is angry. She finds it easy for her woman to crave someone else better than she. The reputation she gives herself to another man is so beautiful that it impresses her. If they attract him any day he may be persuaded to follow the one who impresses him.Women should be careful in the area. Even if you've noticed something good has attracted you from another man, never say to your friend. It's in the heart. Make sure that the man you are with is the best of all men in the world.                                                                4. be dependent.Sometimes even if you do not have anything but a woman is advised not to show yourself you have nothing. Make sure you have something even if you do not. Modern men do not like to have a woman who everything depends on her husband.Even if you do not have a job but it's good then a woman tries to make small business that will reduce her husband's intense financial pressure at all times. Men love to give their lovers money but when it becomes more expensive it turns out to be an address.What comes from daily needs, salons, clothing, children's fees and many other women depend on a man. He does not want to be too busy. He wants to be brought back, his biggest job is to raise a family at home.When a woman discovers a woman is dependent in the early stages, it is easy to run a woman and go to a woman who at least will not depend on everything. A woman who adds herself to the idea of ​​establishing a business that will make her less dependent.                                5. lack of understanding.A man loves a woman to understand. I do not like a female woman. He longs to have a woman who tells her something, she adds and does more than a man thinks. A husband loves a woman who will develop a developmental idea and involve her boyfriend for doing it.Men love women who understand them. If a woman becomes unfamiliar with her boyfriend, help her then a man often runs away.                                                                      6. Pride for that.No man likes to be ruled. Women with money often have the tendency to want to dominate men. He wants a man to do what he wants. Money shots her head and sees that she may have the authority to order her husband.She uses her money as a stick to kiss her boyfriend. It is very difficult for men to tolerate such a woman, often avoiding it. By spending his money he can get another man but also will be competing in the matter of controlling him.                                                                    7. be very busy.Most men do not like a woman dependent on them but also those men hate the woman as she is very busy with her work. A man does not like seeing his spouse become a fan of his work or business that will make him even spending time with his partner.What you have to do for a woman is being split. Make sure you're a bunch and a job but not a persistence that will make a man take time to be with you when he needs you, instead he can go to another woman who is not here.

Women's reasons to cry after having sex!

          Laughing after having sex or having sex is common and is very evident to women, although it is said that men also weep.

 - According to experts, there are several reasons why a woman is weeping or filled with grief after having sex, and one of the reasons is Hormones that the human body produces at that time Have you ever been involved in dating and discovering that your partner has just gone, after a long time of enjoyment? According to scientists, it is normal.

Another study has shown that between 7 percent and 7 percent and 37 percent of women have ever been able to cry after having sex. Occasionally, men also cry.One expert described the situation as "a state of which a woman fails to control herself and to cry out for no reason, especially after being planted with pleasure-giving, or at the maximum of comfort

Have you ever imagined that your 'skill' was the cause of a woman's crying after having sex? Very sorry!

However, one expert has said that the reality of the future and sexually transmitted ideas as soon as it is sexually intimidating can make a woman cry, though she insists that the woman's cry after having sex is normal!

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Do 6 things to prevent people from entering your love

It is not wrong for close friends or relatives to be able to cooperate with you in your affections such as during the festive season or event.

 It is also not bad to know the situation and to identify the basics that are going on in your relationship with you and your partner. However, there are times when other perpetrators, neighbors, relatives, parents or friends can become 'poison' of your relationships, especially when you rely on giving support, ideas or directions in your lifetime. This article describes the basic factors you can do to minimize the potential for friends, relatives, relatives, or parents to become "poisonous" of your love.
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1. Control of information to others: 
     While describing your relationships with other people, it gives you the opportunity to comment, and even to assume that they have the right to tell you what to do with your partner. So take some time to meditate and to investigate your relationship issues before you start looking for advice, advice to other people. It's best to read books, and different articles, especially about their behavior and relationships, to think well about how they relate to and how to deal with them in your relationships.

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2. Unique factors: 
     Note that your partner's behavior may be unique, and the circumstances of the event that make you consulting or commenting to others may be unique, so the advice or feedback you receive may not directly help you in your solution. When you realize this, you will work hard to build personal capacity to analyze the problem you face in relationships and seek solutions before you rely on other people. 

3. The decision is you: 
      It is true that there are times when it is important to get advice from other people, and more people with accurate understanding and trust, make sure that you realize that you are the one responsible for the decision-making process you will take. 

4. Be patient: 
       Do not take immediate action in relationships, especially the decision to decide to share the information about your relationship with others. When you make a decision to interact with others quickly avoiding a chance to investigate the matter in particular about the potential consequences of telling others, or if it is a problem, then consider the right paths that you could use to find the solution to the problem. 

5. Open communication methods among you: 
     Perhaps the source of your interaction about your relationships with other people is that you have missed the opportunity to communicate fluently with your spouse. Look for adequate space, create an environment to talk about before you want to get involved with other people. 

6. Be alone:
      Even if you do not want to tell people about things that are relevant to your life, the environment you live can contribute to people wanting to interfere with your relationships-by giving directions, advice or ideas about living with you and your partner. When you have to make sure you do not live close to your parents, a close relative or friend. Or you do not work with your spouse one place, for that will be the easiest way people see you live. When you have to be close to other people, make sure you agree with your partner how best to communicate between people, so that you do not give them a chance to read it "and then begin to give them" instructions "of what they see you should live on.

7. Go to 'classroom': 
      Remember relationships need a lot of understanding of how to communicate fluently, understand your spouse's feelings, identify conflict resolution strategies, and more to make long-term planning for your relationship. Practice reading articles and books that enhance the basic knowledge of the things we have described above. An example of articles you can read is as follows: 

The battle of the harp. Beware of these things Before Engaging in Relationships

There is no doubt that every human being in this world needs to be loved and to be in a romantic relationship. Given that fact, many of us have been experiencing difficulties when reaching the point of entering into a relationship, since we have great expectations with our counterparts that we end up having all kinds of relationships, all of which are in search of at least one of the athletes who reach our expectations.
 check this after read here article ===>> 5 Ways to Maintain Sexual Relationships

The ancestors of our ancestors, such issues, were not in need, since there was a culture of people chosen for their life-makers who later found themselves loving each other and establishing a family in practice.

However, the situation is far different from the past, since most of us choose our partner to have a relationship with them including including family planning. So, to avoid the breakdown of relationships that in recent years have been normal, it is best to first get into the relationship and be careful about the following things.

Avoid getting involved in a relationship if you're not ready yet. There are people who find themselves having a problem maintaining their relationship with getting involved in relationships when they are not ready to be in a relationship.

Finding someone else is out of a bad relationship or even does not prepare or set goals for what kind of relationship he or she wants for his partner, but he finds himself reluctant to get involved in the relationship just as soon as his relationship is broken down due to the two differences.

And in the area, also avoid a partner who has no purpose in life or has a permanent relationship. We are only saying that there are women and men who want to be in short-term relationship with the idea that they do not plan to have a permanent relationship with a family.

People of that kind, it's very dangerous to start relationships with them when they are fulfilling their goals, no matter how your emotions will leave you going on with heartaches. While this is not necessarily necessary, but it is best before you get into a relationship, make sure that at least one partner will have a few things that are different and that relationship will have a difficult time.

It is true that people can tolerate and live together even if they have different behaviors, but if the difference is too large, there is a risk of confrontation and if there is no tolerance the relationship can be a cross-border.

These attributes mentioned above are not too detailed, but are one of the factors to consider in selecting your partner before engaging in romance. Do you see what factors to focus on relationships and what causes marital breakdown? \ Do not hesitate to write your comment


5 Ways to Maintain Sexual Relationships

Mahusiano ya Mapenzi

There is a quote saying "Good relationship is not only a matter of time but it takes time, patience, and two people who really want to be together."

  While it is said that romance is not one way to follow but there are things that are known to contribute to improving relationships between lovers. Long-term relationships should be planted in fertile soil as you plant, will require watering and fertilizer to grow. And above all it takes time to grow before the fruit is seen.


 Trusting your spouse is the key to maintaining relationships.
 Do not let your partner be unfaithful without any evidence.
 Feelings of unfaithfulness without the truth show a great deal and frustrate your love for your loved one.
  It is said by the philosophers of human mind that "What you think and believe is happening" so you are advised not to think badly about your partner because it does not heal health in relationships.
  So be honest and truthful at all times.
 Adjust your plans and ideas without dating. Introduce your friends to relatives, close friends and friends to give your partner a good deal.

Set time for your partner.

Good relationships between lovers require time for these lovers to stay together. Dear friends have a risk of losing their relationships and thus endangering the life of sex between them. As lovers are far away then they need to set aside time to speak whenever possible. Find out time together, even if you are going to summer to drink tea or juice, it's too much and it puts them closer.


Communication is very important amongst lovers. Even if you're busy with a job, get a few minutes to talk to your steam and want a situation. Enter even word message or email. Tell your partner whenever you need to build trust in you and give him peace in your heart. Send a map of your location if you are using the "Smart" phone (Send location to whatsapp) Contacts is the key to maintaining love. When communicating with your loved one, remember that love is important. Speak with your heart and not just to fulfill the responsibility, for your steward will only know if there is no scandal in your communication so that you do not bring the unprofitable benefit. Other communication is the essence of expressing what is in the heart. Tell your partner what is wrong for you to get together with the solution. Dear friends who are always quiet will be together.
Love Relationships


 Find something to give to your girlfriend. Not necessarily worth it. It can only be candy or fruit. You should receive a gift whenever possible, especially when traveling or on his birthday.

Show Your Love.

 Everyone has a different idea of ​​showing love, but it would be a very important thing to show your feelings to your partner. Often dear lovers forget about this. Words such as "I love you" or the word "Dear" or "Lazy" are very helpful to express affection and to make your partner feel better. These words are expressed in real and heartfelt emotions that play an important part in improving relationships.

Donald Trump Insists he has 'Complete Power' to Pardon

President Trump, in one of a long string of Saturday morning tweets venting various frustrations, confirmed that he is pondering presidential pardons related to the probe into his campaign's potential collusion with Russia.
In the tweet, Trump said a president "has complete power to pardon," suggesting he believes he can pardon himself, or is at least not ruling it out.  
But, he added, "why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us," using all caps a second time to complain about "FAKE NEWS."
In claiming not to be thinking about pardons, Trump revealed that he does indeed have them on his mind. The Washington Post reported Thursday that Trump has discussed pardons of close associates, and even himself, with staff in recent days.

Trump's tweets underscored his growing concern about the Russia investigation and frustration with the media that is reporting it. 

Trump also complained that Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions and Robert Mueller, the special counsel looking into Russian election meddling, are not investigating Hillary Clinton and James Comey, whom Trump fired as FBI director, and lambasted the Washington Post and New York Times.
It's likely that the tweets were not vetted by h
is staff or attorneys. He misspelled counsel as "council."

Trump: Putin preferred Clinton in the White House than me

President Trump said on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be pleased with his democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the White House.                                  trump and putin
"If Hillary won, our army would be less expensive, and that's what Putin does not like about me," Trump said in an interview with founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network Pat Robertson."And that's why I say, why does he love me? Because since I started to build a strong army - he does not want to see it," the president added.Trump's opinion came after the e-mail reported by the New York Times showed his first son of Trump, Donald Trump Jr., agreeing with a 2016 conference where he promised bad news about Clinton as "a part of Russia and government support to Mr. Trump. "In a CBN interview, Trump claimed Putin "probably" did not want him to be president because of his pressure to expand the production of U.S. fuel and gas, which said that it could hurt Russian exports.So what I still hear about that he could have Trump, I think 'maybe not,' "she said.Trump seemed to be hiding behind the U.S. intelligence decision. That Russia joined the 2016 election to help and disperse him for robbery against Clinton.The President did not fully accept the conclusion. He said that Russia, but also other countries, could play a role in e-mail from the National Democratic Committee and Clinton's chairman John Podesta's campaign and open it to the public.The comment came after Trump met Putin for the first time as a president last week in a 20th meeting in Germany. The presidential advisers have said he urged Russia's leader on hacking.

