Donald Trump Insists he has 'Complete Power' to Pardon

President Trump, in one of a long string of Saturday morning tweets venting various frustrations, confirmed that he is pondering presidential pardons related to the probe into his campaign's potential collusion with Russia.
In the tweet, Trump said a president "has complete power to pardon," suggesting he believes he can pardon himself, or is at least not ruling it out.  
But, he added, "why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us," using all caps a second time to complain about "FAKE NEWS."
In claiming not to be thinking about pardons, Trump revealed that he does indeed have them on his mind. The Washington Post reported Thursday that Trump has discussed pardons of close associates, and even himself, with staff in recent days.

Trump's tweets underscored his growing concern about the Russia investigation and frustration with the media that is reporting it. 

Trump also complained that Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions and Robert Mueller, the special counsel looking into Russian election meddling, are not investigating Hillary Clinton and James Comey, whom Trump fired as FBI director, and lambasted the Washington Post and New York Times.
It's likely that the tweets were not vetted by h
is staff or attorneys. He misspelled counsel as "council."
