Know ways to be self-centered with a man having relationships

1. leprosy.

Most men do not like homosexuality. He does not like a woman who is constantly introducing a tragic incident that produces strife. Most men do not like arguments. They do not like the argument when a woman becomes brave to get rid of it, she is ignored.

Well, then, a woman is making a statement. He was not an archery who has no head or foot. Do not have to worry. Let her mouth be filled with sweet words, which will comfort her lover, which will comfort her and will make her want to talk to her.Often when a man sees a wife or a girlfriend is a person of homosexuality, she often avoids him. She is struggling with her ability to stay away from her. He will find it best to be back home and meet friends, keep story so that you can go home and do not have time to talk to his partner, he is eating and sleeping.
                                                            2. dissatisfaction.
Most men hate to have dissatisfied women. Some women even give them what they do not get. They bother their lovers that they do not meet the needs. A man gives himself a gift to his girlfriend, just does not care.He starts to criticize. He says it's not like him, it's not his status. Given money he says is not enough. Everyday is a complaint. Do not miss her favorite partner to enjoy their relationship. He makes every one meet him and helps him to be beaten.Unfortunately now all that will be given will be dissatisfied. He craves too much. Many men today hate the same behavior. They do not like to have a woman who is dissatisfied with what she has been given. Many men find it so they begin to avoid the 'sample' woman.There was no good. Rather than advising her boyfriend how to get rid of the economy she is just blame. Every day he complains that some men give their loved ones the necessary necessities but to him you do not fulfill.When a man sees everything he or she does for a boyfriend or wife, he is not satisfied, so thanks is not easy to reduce his or her love for his or her mate. Procedures begin to give up and even transfer romance to someone else who will be satisfied with the little given. It is important to be satisfied.

                                                                   3. comparisons.This is also a tendency to be unloved by many men. Men love to live their lives. They like to be respected by their loved ones. They like to hear a woman say; 'No other man is like you.'The man likes to be assured that there is no other man like him. She is better or better than other men so when a woman begins to show behaviors to interrupt her with another man it becomes a big problem.The man is angry. She finds it easy for her woman to crave someone else better than she. The reputation she gives herself to another man is so beautiful that it impresses her. If they attract him any day he may be persuaded to follow the one who impresses him.Women should be careful in the area. Even if you've noticed something good has attracted you from another man, never say to your friend. It's in the heart. Make sure that the man you are with is the best of all men in the world.                                                                4. be dependent.Sometimes even if you do not have anything but a woman is advised not to show yourself you have nothing. Make sure you have something even if you do not. Modern men do not like to have a woman who everything depends on her husband.Even if you do not have a job but it's good then a woman tries to make small business that will reduce her husband's intense financial pressure at all times. Men love to give their lovers money but when it becomes more expensive it turns out to be an address.What comes from daily needs, salons, clothing, children's fees and many other women depend on a man. He does not want to be too busy. He wants to be brought back, his biggest job is to raise a family at home.When a woman discovers a woman is dependent in the early stages, it is easy to run a woman and go to a woman who at least will not depend on everything. A woman who adds herself to the idea of ​​establishing a business that will make her less dependent.                                5. lack of understanding.A man loves a woman to understand. I do not like a female woman. He longs to have a woman who tells her something, she adds and does more than a man thinks. A husband loves a woman who will develop a developmental idea and involve her boyfriend for doing it.Men love women who understand them. If a woman becomes unfamiliar with her boyfriend, help her then a man often runs away.                                                                      6. Pride for that.No man likes to be ruled. Women with money often have the tendency to want to dominate men. He wants a man to do what he wants. Money shots her head and sees that she may have the authority to order her husband.She uses her money as a stick to kiss her boyfriend. It is very difficult for men to tolerate such a woman, often avoiding it. By spending his money he can get another man but also will be competing in the matter of controlling him.                                                                    7. be very busy.Most men do not like a woman dependent on them but also those men hate the woman as she is very busy with her work. A man does not like seeing his spouse become a fan of his work or business that will make him even spending time with his partner.What you have to do for a woman is being split. Make sure you're a bunch and a job but not a persistence that will make a man take time to be with you when he needs you, instead he can go to another woman who is not here.
