Iraqi PM hails victory over 'brutality and terrorism' in Mosul

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced victory over "violence and terrorism" in Mosul on Monday, announcing his troops ended the rule of the Islamic group in the second capital of the country.

                      Iraqi PM hails victory over 'brutality and terrorism' in Mosul

Standing with members of security forces, Abadi stressed the revenge of Mosul - which dealt with Iraqi troops for failure over the past three years."Our victory today is a victory over terrorists, victory over violence and terrorism, and I declare here ... for the whole world today the defeat and defeat of the Daesh terrorist fortress," Abadi said in a Western television address Mosul, Using Arabic language for IS.These activities were carried out by Iraq's achievements and achievements and implementation, "Abadi said, thanking" all the countries with Iraq in his war against terrorism. "Most of the members of the security forces were happy after talking, playing and pushing the flag with their weapons as they did.An American-based solidarity that supported Mosul shock and supporting another attack on ISR's Syrian forest, Raqa appreciated the victory, but warned that it did not point to the end of the war against jihadists."Victory alone does not eliminate (IS) and there is still a hard fight in front of us, but the loss of two twin cities and jewel of their so-called crime is a serious blow," said Lieutenant-General Stephen Townsend, the international anti-IS commander."Now is the time for all Iraq to join in order to ensure (IS) fail in the whole city of Iraq," Townsend said.US President Donald Trump also thanked the victory, saying it was a sign that "Iraq and Syria are counted".But rebuilding the lost city of Mosul and supporting civilians will be a major task, and aid groups warn that the Iraqi humanitarian crisis is far off.
